Archaeological Sites
Colony of Clazomena (656 - 652 BC), and Teo (545 BC), Ionian cities of Asia Minor. In the 5th century BC Abdera was one of the richest members of the First Athenian League. Homeland of many famous figures of antiquity, such as Democritus, Protagoras, Leucippus. They are located near the sea, between …»
( Stavlos Diomidos ) The village of Amaxades belongs to the prefecture of Rodopis and administratively to the municipality of Iasmos. It is 30 km from Komotini and is built at the foot of Mount Papikios. To the south of the village, at Maltepe, remains of a wall from the early Christian era can be …»
Near the mouth of the Vistonida lake, the imposing ruins of a fortified city are preserved, which were known to the travelers of the Ottoman Empire by the name "Bourou Kale". From very early on, these ruins were identified with the city known in the early Christian and Byzantine years, which …»
Archaeological finds of the 2nd century AD confirm the existence of a settlement as well, and from an inscription on the preserved and distinct in various parts of the city, old wall of the 4th century AD. which reads "Theodosius building" (379-395). It is also assumed that the settlement of …»
The Macedonian Tomb has been discovered in the 1950s north of Komnenos. According to archaeologists, the Tomb is chronologically placed in the time period 200-150 BC. It consists of an inner street, vestibule and chamber which is covered with arches. It is built with corner stones from domestic …»
(Mosynoupolis) The archaeological - excavation information we have about the city is minimal. In particular, the first systematic research was carried out by Charalambos Penna, which revealed in the two years 1975/76 part of the fortification. A part of the south-western wall and tombs of late Roman …»
Selero is a town in the municipality of Abdira, in the Regional Unit of Xanthi. It is located 10 km east of Xanthi near the villages of Filia, Simantra, Sounio, Amaxades. The Kirtzalides, a people of Asia Minor origin who were transferred centuries ago by the Ottomans to Kirtzali, Bulgaria, …»