The Macedonian Tomb has been discovered in the 1950s north of Komnenos. According to archaeologists, the Tomb is chronologically placed in the time period 200-150 BC. It consists of an inner street, vestibule and chamber which is covered with arches.
It is built with corner stones from domestic marble, according to the pseudo-isodomic system. The doors of the vestibules and chambers have monolithic pilasters and lintels, while their floors are covered with marble slabs. The vestibule is 3.13 meters wide and 2.12 meters long. The door to the funeral chamber was closed with 2 large shutters.
The Macedonian Tomb of the Komnenos is the best preserved and the most impressive of those discovered to date in Thrace. From time to time, excavations are carried out in the surrounding area, but not organized and extensive in order to uncover settlements. In 1993 figurines and statuettes were found, ritual instruments, which probably come from the sanctuary of Asclepius.
Editor: Fotini Anastasopoulou