The Keras of Amaltheia
Museums, archaeological museums, byzantine museums, history museums, galleries, folklore museums, coin museums, maritime museums, war museums, etc.
Monasteries, nunneries, places of worship, etc.
MESSOLONGI Messolonghi is mentioned for the first time in written sources in the 16th century. In 1700 it was under Venetian rule and then under Turkish rule. In the rebellion of 1770 (Orlovika) in which Messolonghi took part, it was looted and destroyed. After 1774 it was reorganized commercially and navally. From 1804-1820 it was under the authority of Ali …
Sea & Mountain
Mountain and sea, beaches, picturesque beaches, lakes, rivers, waterfalls, canyons, mountain shelters, etc.
Travel information, weather forecast, ship schedules, bus schedules, airplane schedules, useful phone numbers, coastguard, police station, town hall, etc.