The homeland of Nicator
Top Attractions
Top attractions, top sights, archaeological sites, museums, monasteries, beaches, picturesque places, special places, photos, panoramic photos, virtual tours, etc.
Archaeological Sites
Archaeological sites, classical antiquity, roman history, byzantine history, medieval history, venetian, etc.
Museums, archaeological museums, byzantine museums, history museums, galleries, folklore museums, coin museums, maritime museums, war museums, etc.
Caves, mountain caves, etc.
The area has been known since the time of the Trojan War as the residence of the Paeons with Amydona (Axiochori) as their capital. The Paeons participated in the Trojan War with King Pyraihims and Asteropaios. In the eastern part of the region lived the Christones in cities such as Ioron (Palatian) and Klitai (Xylokeratia). In the 12th BC h. …
Custom of the Bey On the first ten days of March, the custom of the Bey (or Aga), the Turkish official, is revived in the village of Madres. The custom is Halloween, with a playful character and is related to the worship of Dionysus. The Beis, dressed in period clothes, returns to the houses of the village with his entourage …
Photographs and Images, monument photographs, beautiful photographs, etc.
Travel information, weather forecast, ship schedules, bus schedules, airplane schedules, useful phone numbers, coastguard, police station, town hall, etc.