Archaeological Sites
(from 9th century Christoupolis) It was probably founded by Thasios around the middle of the 7th century BC for the control of the gold-bearing Pangaeus and the road to Thrace. In the middle of the 5th c. BC joined the First Athenian Alliance and maintained close relations with Athens until its …»
East of Krinides, on the N. side of Egnatia Odos, near a spring, one comes across the monument of the Roman officer C. Vibius Quartus, known in the popular language as "Magalo Pithari" or Dikili Tas and as "the cradle of Vukefala". In Dikili Tas, a settlement of piled huts of the Middle Neolithic …»
Thracian city on the Egnatia Odos, seat of a bishopric. Its wall is reconstructed after 550 AD. Near the village of Paradisos, remains of a building with early Christian frescoes. On the Kaledes hill, remains of the Justinian (?) wall (6th century). At Petrotas, ruins of an early Christian basilica …»
They were founded by King Philip II in 360/59 BC. with the installation of Macedonian settlers to control the gold mines in Pangaeo and Orvilos. In their place, the Thasian colony of Krinides pre-existed. The Roman Caesars Augustus and Antonius, after the battle of the same name in 42 BC. against …»
SAINT DIONYSOU 25220 51189 MACEDONIKO TAFOS 25210 34986 …»