Folegandros is a beautiful island that has managed to keep intact its traditional character, the beauty and the mystery that surrounds it. Very recently, the first tourist infrastructures were built which fortunately have not altered the appearance of the beautiful island. The inhabitants still maintain the slow, calm rhythms of life, the aromas and flavors of their island. The island of Folegandros, before the appearance of tourism, experienced abandonment, due to the barren terrain and the isolation it experienced over the centuries. Most of its inhabitants chose to emigrate in search of a better quality of life, while those who stayed behind with superhuman efforts managed to cope and earn a living.
but also in the consolidation of a deeply religious character in its inhabitants. As in most of the islands of the Cyclades, which have recently experienced the rapid development of tourism, so in Folegandros there is a portion of people who persist in their old habits in spite of the times and others who adapt more easily to the new influences and needs of the place by establishing of tourism.

Editor: Fotini Anastasopoulou

On Easter day, Folegandros is full of flowers and the houses are open: they await the blessing of the icon of the Virgin Mary. Easter here is celebrated in a completely special way, unique in Greece!.. In a happy atmosphere, with songs, wishes, feasts and sparklers, every house on the island welcomes the procession with the image of the Virgin Mary, with wine, raki, sweets and treats for everyone accompanying the procession. These celebrations last three days, as well as the procession of the icon of the Virgin Mary. On Easter day, the icon will first pass through Chora and the narrows of the Castle where the young people welcome it with fireworks. On the second day of Easter, he passes through Ano Meria and the farmhouses and spends the night in the church of Pantanassa, while on the third it goes to Petousis and Livadi and ends at Karavostasis where, in addition to the houses, boats, boats and all the boats in the harbor are blessed. In the evening he returns to the monastery of Panagia where he remains until the next Easter.
A similar setting and similar festive atmosphere prevails at the festivals, both of Agios Panteleimon on July 27th, and of Christ on August 6th and of Panagia on August 15th. Many smaller local festivals and impromptu parties with local musicians often take place on the island, so if you're a little lucky you'll definitely get the chance to party your heart out at one of them. In July, the island also has a pleasant atmosphere due to summer Festival of Folegandros which includes theatrical performances, screenings, concerts with classical and Greek repertoire and which starts from the straits of Chora and Kastro and reaches the port of Karavostasis and Ano Meria. In the neoclassical building, which houses the primary school of Chora, there are many interesting exhibitions of paintings, ceramics and even photography under the auspices of the cultural association of the island "I Folegandros" and which last almost the whole summer. Also, during the summer and especially on nights illuminated by the full moon, various poetic or philological, but also musical evenings are organized at the folklore museum of Ano Meria.
The Nautical Club organizes every August swimming and sailing competitions in Karavostasi and Agali and a big party in Chora.

Source: Municipality of Folegandros

In Folegandros, the wedding takes place traditionally. The bride and groom go to church accompanied by violins and lutes. After the wedding they eat pasteli and a big feast follows.
We have already mentioned that Folegandros is generally a barren island in the middle of the sea, but that does not mean that its few goods do not give a touch to its flavors. What you must try in Folegandros is the "souroto", white, fresh, spicy soft cheese used in salads or in pies. "Hard" is a cheese which in Folegandros is simply called "cheese". Folegandros honey is also famous. Don't miss the chance to try sun-dried tomatoes and cucumbers, which are delicious. Also ask to try the 'matchata', handmade spaghetti served with rooster or braised rabbit, or the 'kalasuna', the spicy onion pie, as well as the delicious honey pies but and pastelia which, according to tradition, are offered at weddings and christenings instead of custard.

Editor: Fotini Anastasopoulou