Remains of the castle of the medieval city of Tavia are preserved near the village of Davia, seat of the Municipality of Phalanthos.
The castle is located on a hill next to the Elissonas river bridge. Remains of the perimeter wall are preserved, remains of four towers, some buildings inside it, while its two gates can be seen.
The castle was built on the remains of an ancient fort-settlement whose name we currently do not know, as no excavation and archaeological research has been carried out in the area. It is characteristic that in some places the wall of the medieval castle uses the ancient perimeter fortification.
The castle has a triangular plan, just like the surface of the hill, with sides of 250x250x200 m. The large area of the castle combined with the many buildings inside it testifies that it protected many inhabitants of a numerous and thriving city. It seems, however, that its position in the middle of the plain and the smoothness of the ground made it vulnerable to an organized army.