THE HEROON IN THE AEGES | Imathia | Macedonia | Golden Greece
THE HEROON IN THE AEGES | Imathia | Macedonia | Golden Greece
THE HEROON IN THE AEGES | Imathia | Macedonia | Golden Greece
THE HEROON IN THE AEGES | Imathia | Macedonia | Golden Greece
THE HEROON IN THE AEGES | Imathia | Macedonia | Golden Greece
THE HEROON IN THE AEGES | Imathia | Macedonia | Golden Greece
THE HEROON IN THE AEGES | Imathia | Macedonia | Golden Greece



To the southeast of Philip's tomb, next to the "tomb of Persephone" were found the foundations as well as parts of the marble superstructure of a small, possibly temple-shaped building dedicated to the worship of prominent members of the royal family.
The "Heroon" had been erected shortly after Philip's tomb outside the original burial mound.
It is possible that the "Heroon" also housed the cult statue of Philip which had been presented in the theater of the Aeges together with those of the twelve gods during the wedding ceremony of Philip's daughter Cleopatra, when Philip was assassinated there (336 BC .).
It seems that the building was destroyed when the "tomb of Persephone" was violated by Pyrrhus' Gallic mercenaries in 274/3 BC.

Editor: Fotini Anastasopoulou