ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE OF VERIA | Imathia | Macedonia | Golden Greece
ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE OF VERIA | Imathia | Macedonia | Golden Greece
ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE OF VERIA | Imathia | Macedonia | Golden Greece
ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE OF VERIA | Imathia | Macedonia | Golden Greece
ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE OF VERIA | Imathia | Macedonia | Golden Greece
ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE OF VERIA | Imathia | Macedonia | Golden Greece
ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE OF VERIA | Imathia | Macedonia | Golden Greece



In the eastern foothills of Vermium, southwest of Pella, was Veroia, one of the most important cities of Macedonia during the Hellenistic and Roman years.
As it emerged from the excavation research, the site was continuously inhabited at least from the 5th c. BC
Residential remains of the classical period are not preserved, but the cemeteries with the rich offerings in the pit graves testify to the existence of a flourishing city.
Veria experienced great prosperity during the Hellenistic period. Excavations revealed parts of a strong wall, remains of public buildings and a stadium, as well as cemeteries with carved, pit and Macedonian tombs. According to the inscriptions, the city, which was probably built according to the Hippodamian system, had a gymnasium, as well as sanctuaries dedicated to Herakles Kynagida, Asclepius, Athena, Ennodia, etc. Thriving local workshops produced high quality pottery and clay figurines.
Veria developed especially during Roman times, when it became the second most important Macedonian city after Thessaloniki. The Roman administration favorable to her awarded her honorary titles. As the seat of the Common of Macedonians, the city was a center of imperial worship and experienced a great artistic flourishing until the end of the 3rd century. AD so it moved on to a new phase of its historical course.

Editor: Fotini Anastasopoulou