In the central part of Pelion, 28 km southeast of Volos, is the village of Milies. It is established that the settlement was inhabited before 650 AD. h. based on the untouched Christian tombs with offerings (mainly lamps) accidentally discovered in the area. The time of the establishment of Mileon is unknown, however the oldest written reference to the village dates back to 1510. The settlement is particularly well-known because of the famous "School of Mileon" founded by the Masters of the Genus Anthimos Gazis, Grigorios Konstantas and Daniel Filippidis at the time of Revolution of 1821. Today, the Mileon High School operates in the premises of the old School.
In the village square are the Library, where around 3000 rare books and manuscripts are kept, the Folklore Museum (in the Town Hall) where the Flag of the Revolution, raised by Anth. Gazi on May 7, 1821, and paintings by Theophilos from the church of Agia Marina, as well as the church of Taxiarches (1741). The church of Agios Nikolaos is also interesting, from where one can enjoy the wonderful view. Behind the temple are the tombs of the 3 Masters of the Genus. At the Milies Railway Station ends the route of "The Pelion Train" (Moutzouris) following a route - 15 km long (90 minutes) from Ano Lechonia to Milies - in a landscape of unique beauty with wild, dense vegetation .
Editor: Niki Kalopaidis