UNIVERSITY MUSEUMS | Thessalonica | Macedonia | Golden Greece
UNIVERSITY MUSEUMS | Thessalonica | Macedonia | Golden Greece
UNIVERSITY MUSEUMS | Thessalonica | Macedonia | Golden Greece
UNIVERSITY MUSEUMS | Thessalonica | Macedonia | Golden Greece
UNIVERSITY MUSEUMS | Thessalonica | Macedonia | Golden Greece
UNIVERSITY MUSEUMS | Thessalonica | Macedonia | Golden Greece
UNIVERSITY MUSEUMS | Thessalonica | Macedonia | Golden Greece



The following museums and collections operate at the University of Thessaloniki:

• University Folklore Museum (belongs to the area of ​​Modern History and Folklore of the Department of History and Archeology of the Faculty of Philosophy). It was founded on the initiative of Professor Stilponos Kyriakidis and includes students' folklore works, old and new photographs of folk culture objects and events, wood carvings, metalwork items, costumes, jewelry, etc.

Museum of Molds (it also belongs to the Department of History and Archeology of the Faculty of Philosophy). It was founded on the initiative of Professor K. Romeiou. It includes plaster copies (casts) of sculptures from Greek antiquity, copies of metalwork and ceramics, copies of wall paintings and tombstones (prehistoric, Creto-Mycenaean, archaic, classical, etc.).

Museum of Modern Greek History . Introduced with the care of Professor Apost. Vakalopoulos and includes maps, Macedonian warrior uniforms, house models and other material.

Museum of Architecture (belongs to the Department of Architects of the Polytechnic School). It began to be assembled under the care of Professor Nick. Moutsopoulos and includes models of lake settlements, Egyptian pyramids, Egyptian temples and tombs, megalithic monuments, works of Greek classical antiquity, works of the Roman era, Byzantine temples of the northern Greek area, models of houses of Macedonian architecture, etc.

• Paleontological Museum (belongs to the Laboratory of Geology and Paleontology). It was founded under the care of Professor Max. Maravelaki and includes fossils of animals, plaster effigies of animals and plants, paintings of representations as well as a fossilized skull of the proto-human found in the Petralona cave of Halkidiki aged 200,000 years etc.

Museum of Embryology (belongs to the Histology - Embryology Laboratory of the Embryology Department of the School of Medicine). It was founded by Professor Sot. Tsura and includes plastic models of various organs, animal, bird and human embryos, etc.

Editor: Fotini Anastasopoulou