It is located 2 km north of the village of Agios Pneuma, in the area of Darnakochoria. It was founded in 1857 on the basis of the marble inscription that refers to the founder of the Monastery ("Endured expense of Constantius Ster. Monk"). At the end of the 19th century it was abandoned but then rebuilt and still operates today. Marble inscriptions such as "Jesus Christ Victory" (1857) and an inscription with the symbol of the Cross (1857) are preserved. The main church was built in 1857 under Metropolitan Iakovos of Serres, with the help and subscriptions of the residents of the village of Veznikos. It is a stone-built temple with semicircular niches in the holy step and a wooden roof. Under the holy table is the holy water that flows underground from a spring southeast of the temple. Portable icons from the 19th century have been preserved such as: of the Holy Trinity ("Michael's hand", 1858), of John the Forerunner (1859), 2nd icon of the Holy Trinity (Nic. Dovistinos, 1894), the Virgin Guide, the Assumption of the Virgin. etc. After the temple, the most ancient building is the main building of the Monastery (18.10x11.90) which bears the building plaque "BUILDED 1865". Many repairs and additions were made to the building, which served as a guest house with auxiliary spaces. Outside, the two-level courtyard with the century-old plane tree with a perimeter of more than 11 meters is of interest. The fountain in the precinct dates from 1878. Next to the rocks southeast of the church stands the spire (circa 1894), which has been repaired several times. The Monastery celebrates with a great feast of the Holy Spirit. 90) which bears the founder's plate "ENECTISTHI 1865". Many repairs and additions were made to the building, which served as a guest house with auxiliary spaces. Outside, the two-level courtyard with the century-old plane tree with a perimeter of more than 11 meters is of interest. The fountain in the precinct dates from 1878. Next to the rocks southeast of the church stands the spire (circa 1894), which has been repaired several times. The Monastery celebrates with a great feast of the Holy Spirit. 90) which bears the founder's plate "ENECTISTHI 1865". Many repairs and additions were made to the building, which served as a guest house with auxiliary spaces. Outside, the two-level courtyard with the century-old plane tree with a perimeter of more than 11 meters is of interest. The fountain in the precinct dates from 1878. Next to the rocks southeast of the church stands the spire (circa 1894), which has been repaired several times. The Monastery celebrates with a great feast of the Holy Spirit. Next to the rocks southeast of the church rises the spire (circa 1894), which has been repaired several times. The Monastery celebrates with a great feast of the Holy Spirit. Next to the rocks southeast of the church rises the spire (circa 1894), which has been repaired several times. The Monastery celebrates with a great feast of the Holy Spirit.
Editor: Niki Kalopaidis