The Holy Sanctuary of Agia Paraskevi traces its existence back to the 16th century. The first evidence I find is around 1620. It was originally built a hundred meters above its current location and this is evidenced by ruined cells that are still found today with damaged frescoes. Originally the Monastery was a monastery.
It is built at an altitude of 150 m and the view from the enclosure is magnificent. The complex consists of the Catholic Church, dedicated to Agia Paraskevi, the spire of Corfu style and a complex of cells (old and new), where the Archontariki, the bank and other auxiliary facilities are housed on the ground floor.
The Catholic is the focus of the Divine Worship. On the pediment of its southern door is a renovation plaque, on which the following is written: "1833 Christoforos Monachos". It is in the style of a single-aisled basilica with an internal narthex. On the walls hang remarkable pictures from the 18th century. Dominating, of course, is the icon of Agia Paraskevi, which is filled with a multitude of vows. The greatest blessing for the Sanctuary is the presence of part of the right hand of Saint Paraskevi.
The monastery's sacristy also has a number of relics, sacred utensils, icons and old books and documents.
The Holy Sanctuary celebrates the memory of Saint Paraskevi on July 26.
Editor: Fotini Anastasopoulou