(tel. 27460 22739)
The Stadium, with a capacity of approximately 40,000 spectators, was built 400 m. SE of the temple of Zeus at Nemea.
Its track, with a total length of 178 m, was flanked by a stone channel with stone basins at intervals for the collection of drinking water. On its south side is the stone starting point. The athletes and judges, after preparing in a simple rectangular building (Locker Room) with an internal colonnade to the west, entered the Stadium through a vaulted portico. Spectators sat on rough stepped levels carved into the soft rock, while stone seats are in two or three rows between the starting point and the gallery.
The Stadium, where pan-Hellenic games were held every two years in honor of Opheltes, was built at the end of the 4th century BC. in the context of the rebirth program of the Sanctuary. Around 270 BC, the games were moved to Argos, although Aratus Sicyonius in 235 BC. attempted the return of the games to Nemea. After a period in which they alternated between Nemea and Argos, the games were soon moved permanently to Argos.
The Stadium was excavated during the years 1974-81 by the American School of Classics (University of California) under the direction of Professor St. Miller.
A partial restoration-fixing of the Dome of the Stadium portico has been carried out.