ANCIENT THEATER OF MANTINEIA | Arcadia | Peloponnese | Golden Greece
ANCIENT THEATER OF MANTINEIA | Arcadia | Peloponnese | Golden Greece
ANCIENT THEATER OF MANTINEIA | Arcadia | Peloponnese | Golden Greece
ANCIENT THEATER OF MANTINEIA | Arcadia | Peloponnese | Golden Greece
ANCIENT THEATER OF MANTINEIA | Arcadia | Peloponnese | Golden Greece
ANCIENT THEATER OF MANTINEIA | Arcadia | Peloponnese | Golden Greece
ANCIENT THEATER OF MANTINEIA | Arcadia | Peloponnese | Golden Greece



The theater of Mantineia is located in the market place, in the area where the political, religious, cultural and social activities of the ancient city were concentrated. His mention in the work of the traveler Pausanias (8, 9, 2) is indirect: "I also saw a temple of Hera near the theater" he writes. Indeed, the theater defines the western end of the market, in its southwestern corner are the ruins of the temple of Hera and even further south, a second temple, which may have been of Zeus the Saviour. Our knowledge of the monument is based on French excavations in the 19th century, which brought to light the stage, the orchestra and some of the lower pews of the nave. The lack of systematic excavation research and study of the monument currently prevents the drawing of safe conclusions about its dating. According to the evidence, however, the construction of its first building phase must be associated with the re-establishment of the city after 370 BC, while it took its final form during the imperial period.
It is a relatively small theater, whose capacity is estimated at 6,200 spectators. The hollow with the seats of the spectators is located on an artificial embankment on the natural level ground, which is supported by a strong ramp of semicircular shape and a diameter of 66.3 m. The outer side of this strong ramp is built of stone plinths according to the polygonal system, a technical element which would allow us to date the foundation of the monument to the 4th century BC at the earliest. The vault of the cave was accessible from the outside, since there are still climbing stairs in it, which allowed the spectators to enter directly into the upper part. It is estimated that the hollow had in its final form 32 rows of seats. Today only the lower rows are preserved, which are divided, by eight steps, into eight stands. For the construction of the spectators' seats, local limestone and white marble were used. The orchestra, which was intended for the events, is part of a circle and has a radius of 10.85 m. Behind the orchestra and east of the hollow, architectural remains of the monument scene have come to light.
The theater was revealed in the excavations carried out in Mantineia by the French Archaeological School in the 19th century. Its systematic excavation investigation and study is expected to provide satisfactory answers regarding the date of its foundation, its evolution through the centuries, its exact architectural form as well as its possible various functions in relation to the historical route of ancient Mantineia.