In the city of Naoussa, in the place of Isvoria (or Isvoria), the ruins of the School of Aristotle can be found. In the cavernous area of Nymphaeum (sanctuary dedicated to the Nymphs) of Mieza, in an area full of paths with dense vegetation, streams and springs is the Lyceum of the philosopher. The site has been in use since the Iron Age, and was formed into a School from the middle of the 4th BC. century. It is mentioned by the ancient writers that here Alexander the Great was taught philosophy, mathematics, ethics and arts. The main area of the School consists of 3 natural caves and a two-story portico with a P-shaped Ionic colonnade (350 BC). On the surface of the rock, the holes for the support of the beams of the roof of the gallery can be seen. In the Archaeological Museum of Veria, tiles and clay tiles from the roof are kept.
Editor: Niki Kalopaidis